Useful telephone numbers

ServiceContact information
Queens Hospital01708 435000
Fanshawe Health Centre0208 596 9504
Citizens Advice Bureau0203 507 5969
RELATE (Marriage Guidance)01245 258680
Samaritans01708 740000
National domestic Violence Helpline0808 2000 247
NSPCC Helpline0808 800 5000
MIND Mental Health support
(including specific advice on Coronavirus and your wellbeing)
Child line0800 1111
Alcoholics Anonymous0207 407 0700
Pregnancy Management Advice – Brook Advisory Service0300 123 2930
AIDS – National Helpline0300 123 7123
Bereavement – CRUSE0208 964 3455
NHS 111111
Out of Hours Service08450 750495
NHS England North East London Team Complaints0203 350 4500
Victim Support0203 910 9040
Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinic Queens0808 802 1221
Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinic Sydenham Barking01708 503 838
Carers National association0800 100 900
Social Services0208 591 9855
Age (UK)0800 055 6112
Barking & Dagenham Primary Care Trust
Becketts House
2-14 Ilford Hill, Ilford
Essex IG1 2QX
0203 182 3304